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My name is Cory. I am a mom, a wife, a NaNa, and a critical care nurse that lives in Nashville, TN. I have found my calling in ER/Trauma/ICU. Each day I find myself experiencing life changing events and hope that by reading my posts, you will experience and feel some of what I do. If you read nothing else, please take time to read "The Hardest Question Ever Asked". It's my very first posting. And if for some reason you think you see your story don't. It's not about you or anyone you know. =)


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Kathys Lifes Journey

Monday, November 14, 2011

Suggestions for bitter ANONYMOUS commenters

Suggestions for bitter commenters who have missed their calling, did not pursue their dreams of a career in a medical field or are just looking for company to join in their misery.

1. Read then REread the blog you are going to comment on
2. Research the topic prior to posting to prevent posting incorrect information
3. If you disagree with something, say you disagree, do not post false information
4. Try to find a new hobby other than looking for blogs to attempt to discredit the blogger
5. Grow some and post your name
6. Get a life

But most of all........ have a great day!

CoryTraumaRN posted today at 10:54 PM

It is sooo great to hear something so honest. I love your blog, it makes me laugh, and even though I could never be a trauma nurse I love reading about it. Right now I go to school for nursing and won't graduate until 2013. I just started a blog and would love it if you could post some feedback! I know you've been blogging for awhile and it would be great to get the opinion of someone who has been writing for so long. Thanks again, love the blog.
These people are called trolls, and no-one likes a troll. I think you are doing an amazing job and I wanted to congratulate you on being voted one of the top nursing blogs of 2011! Just in case you where not not aware of it, here is the post:
I totally agree with you regarding the part about growing some and putting up your name or at least your blogger pseudonym. People need to quit being such babies!
As the above commenter said, this is a very well written blog. I enjoy reading it. Thank you for continuing to post!
Just read your blog for the first time and love love love it!!!
I am 19 and a firefighter EMT-Basic going to school for my two year Paramedic degree then my RN.
It is so great to hear someone with some of the same opinions.
Thanks so much.
To everyone that posted, Katie, rad, NPSL, MAS, and Unknown who is a 19 year old firefighter, thank you all for reading and for your support. It means more than you know.
Good luck with your Paramedic/RN trek. It's the best thing you will ever do! :)
I just had a quick question in regards to your website. If you could email me at your convenience that would be great!
Hi Katie,

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have, however I don't see an email address listed on your blog profile. You can write me at and I'll be glad to answer. :)
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