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My name is Cory. I am a mom, a wife, a NaNa, and a critical care nurse that lives in Nashville, TN. I have found my calling in ER/Trauma/ICU. Each day I find myself experiencing life changing events and hope that by reading my posts, you will experience and feel some of what I do. If you read nothing else, please take time to read "The Hardest Question Ever Asked". It's my very first posting. And if for some reason you think you see your story don't. It's not about you or anyone you know. =)


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Saturday, August 23, 2008

“All Female Nurses Are Perverts and Unprofessional”

Ok, before you guys start commenting and calling me names, let me explain if I can keep from laughing long enough. The heading is the last comment I got (on my last post)from an anonymous and let me just add “quite indomitable” poster that I first rejected and then decided to go ahead and post.
I figure it is either a male nurse who has some real “performance issues” of his own, or a very bitter ex wife who still cannot get a life of her own. I’m going to bet on the second one just because I know she is still overly obsessed with our wonderful life. But, just for the fun of it, let’s say it is someone who isn’t even a nurse.
So, to the oh so courageous, bold, and daring anonymous poster let me tell you how unprofessional and perverted we nurses are. When your loved ones are lying in the critical care unit on life support and they can’t move and they crap on themselves, we go in and clean them up. We don’t enjoy particularly looking at genitalia or we would have gone into gynecology or proctology or some other form of “below the waist-ology”. When your loved ones are dying of low oxygenation because they are drowning in their own secretions we are the ones in the room suctioning out their lungs and their oral and nasal cavities. Not because we are orally fixated, it’s because we love what we do and we care about our patients.
We see death too often. We see family members turning to us asking us to help them make decisions to take Mom or Dad off of life support because Mom or Dad didn’t make that decision before their car wreck or before they were diagnosed with end stage cancer. We work long hours to make sure the patients AND families are taken care of. If for some reason you are someone that is not in the medical field, I truly feel for you the day you become a patient and you honestly feel that way about nurses.
And if you are a male nurse, you need to get out of nursing NOW! Today! I’m sure Hugh Hefner would hire you at his mansion doing something.
And last but not least, if it’s you, and you know who you are, isn’t it about time to get a life?
And to all of my sisters and brothers in health care……. Keep on doing the good work! There’s only good in return for what we do.

CoryTraumaRN posted today at 1:31 PM

I don't work in health care. I was
a patient. Each time the nurses
either had total disregard for
my privacy and/or were unprofessional. GET A CLUE!!!
I have greater respect for house keepers than for nurses. Obviously,
you don't read all the negative aspects regarding unprofessioal nurses has done lately.
sorry you feel the way you do hopefully the next time you see a nurse you have better understanding for what we do everyday. I would have to think that you are a very bossy or mean person that the nurse had no regard for. I take everybodies privacy to heart even when you are dead
Fat,stupid,perverted and retarded
weirdo female nurses leering at
naked male patients. Get a real job! Look at what happened to calif state nurses board.Wake up
call losers.
LOL Phoenix Arizona, you're so bitter. I have a feeling a nurse broke your heart. What a shame.
I hope you never need nursing care....... you get what you give.
I don't date fat perverted wierdo's
Duuuude, you must really have been scorned by a nurse. I really feel sorry for you. Have you tried anger management? LOL

PS: I'm sure you can see by my picture I'm not fat OR weird. Or is that maybe the problem?

(And weirdo is spelled ei, not ie!) LOL Maybe you should get out of Arizona for a while.
Haven't looked and don't care too.Anyone can post a pic. LOSER!
You're in my prayers Phoenix.
*Shakes head sadly*
PS: I do love that you are hooked on my blog! =D
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