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My name is Cory. I am a mom, a wife, a NaNa, and a critical care nurse that lives in Nashville, TN. I have found my calling in ER/Trauma/ICU. Each day I find myself experiencing life changing events and hope that by reading my posts, you will experience and feel some of what I do. If you read nothing else, please take time to read "The Hardest Question Ever Asked". It's my very first posting. And if for some reason you think you see your story don't. It's not about you or anyone you know. =)


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Sunday, December 14, 2008

All Female Nurses Are Perverts Commenters:

To those of you who choose to comment on my blogs, especially the one about All Female Nurses Are Perverts and Unprofessional (from August) I challenge you to leave your name rather than to continue to appear so highly uneducated as to lump all of the thousands of nurses into one category because of the nurses that gave you poor nursing care. Or worse, to show how uneducated you really are like the second commenter by not even being able to compose a gramatically correct sentence. Leaving anonymous messages shows an ignoble lack of courage.
But, thanks for taking the time to read my blog anyway. Have a great day!

CoryTraumaRN posted today at 10:00 PM

Society as a whole needs to be aware of those in healthcare who
are perverts and unprofessional.
Don't know who started this but
this happens all too often. Maybe
you should follow up on this!

Poor nursing care! How about perverted care. Where did they find you.
I for one am a nurse and damn good one. Some may say that I am perverted and unprofessional...But until you walk in my shoes and do my job you can't really judge me. We as nurses choose to go into this profession mostly in part due to a sense of caring about our fellow carbon based life forms. And yes we do acquire a certain sense of humor to deal with the events that happen around us. Call me what you will, but one day it may be my unprofessional perverted ass that is the only thing keeping you among the living.
By the way, where is the original post? I see nothing unprofessional or perverted in this post.
Kudos JLeonard! I agree with you! Amazing who is willing to leave a name and who isn't! I have and will continue to save the lives of the ungrateful arrogant pitiful people who choose to call me perverted and unprofessional because that is what I do and I do it well as I'm sure you do!!!
It's the physicians that do the saving! Why do so many nurses
neglect to wash their hands.
We all know what happens when
you don't do that!

It's really funny you say that because I can tell you that in all the years I've been a nurse, EASILY less than 10% of Physicians will wash their hands going in or out of a patient's room. And no, the Physician's aren't the one's saving the patient's. They don't do it alone. If the nurses didn't call them, they'd wouldn't know what went on or goes on with the patients. But by your comment, I can tell you are neither a nurse or a physician. Thanks for reading my blog.
It's really funny you say that because I can tell you that in all the years I've been a nurse, EASILY less than 10% of Physicians will wash their hands going in or out of a patient's room. And no, the Physician's aren't the one's saving the patient's. They don't do it alone. If the nurses didn't call them, they'd wouldn't know what went on or goes on with the patients. But by your comment, I can tell you are neither a nurse or a physician. Thanks for reading my blog.
Hospital acquired infection. Simple
hand washing that your mom taught you!
40% of those molesting men are
women. Maybe you should take a
class on perversion!
Dear Anonymous in Arizona:

Where in the hell do you get your statistics? And by the way, what does your last comment even MEAN? Are you commenting on the original blog? This blog? Someone's comment? For someone that has a lot of free early morning time to hang out on my blog, you could take a little more time to make comments that actually make sense.
Cory, RN Extraordinaire =)
If you are not very bright then you
pursue nursing or prostitution since both groups consider themselves profesionals. Pathetic!
OR you choose to leave anonymous comments on someone's blog because you have no cajones! Even more pathetic!!
anonymous you have no idea what goes on in an ER other than what you watch on TV just to let you know nurses save lives not doctors. 99% of the time doctors are not at the bed side you are dealing with residents and you better pray there are nurses there to save you sorry ass. In the ER we work very close with are doctors and they listen and talk to us nurses we help eachother on what to do to save a life. And just to let you know I am proud to be a perverted nurse in this unforgiven world we live in. We all need that sense of humor to live or we would all be crying most of the time
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